The Meta-Rödiger-Hochtiedshuus is situated in the Oberneuland area in the northeast of Bremen.

The wedding will be held in the Hochtiedshuus which is situated in the house grounds and the park of the Lür-Kropp-Hof, and behind the main house.

The Hochtiedshuus is also surrounded by some beautiful and romantic parks.


The ceremony will begin at 4PM at the Hochtiedshuus and we ask all guests to please not arrive before 3:30PM. 

After the ceremony there will be a toast (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks will be supplied) and a selection of photos taken by our photographer.



The Meta-Rödiger-Hochtiedshuus is located a 15 minute car or taxi ride from the town centre, but there are also multiple public transport links. These include taking the RB41 train from the central train station and disembarking at the Bremen-Oberneuland station or taking the Sebaldsbrück bus and walking 10 minutes to the venue.


Lür-Kropp-Service GmbH
Rockwinkeler Landstr. 5
D-28355 Bremen

The Reception


The wedding party will start at around 6PM, at the Restaurant Oberneulander which is a 15 minute (1Km) walk or a 3 minute taxi ride away from the Lür-Kropp-Hof.

There will be a sitdown buffet style meal along with various speeches, games, and a small dance floor provided.

Restaurant Oberneulander, Oberneulander Landstraße 43, 28355, Bremen